Beautiful Spritz have been lovingly and soulfully created using fresh from the garden ingredients along with well gathered tried and true knowledge.
We have a large range of beautiful wildling, propogated plants that have a primary purpose of providing their beauty and love to us in the form of steam distilled goodness. Where tiny particles of their essential oils magically end up suspended in distilled water. These are sterile products and are stored in clear glass with a spray nozel, to lessen the chances of pathogens impregnating themselves in the water. We cannot guarantee that pathogens will not form, hense we are transparent and present our crafting so you can see what transpires within.
Take advantage of the freshness and use your hydrosol up within 6 months. There will be more next year. Prolong their life by storing an extra bottle in your fridge. :-)
Store in cool dark place.
Spritz - Hydrosols we distill on site
Sprays with lovely herbal hydrosol aromatics.