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Small loom - 25cm baseboard & 22cm warp span, ideal for small projects and for children to use.

Medium loom - ideal for most projects with a 60cm baseboard & 50cm peg/warp span. This is our most popular size for making chair pads, cushion covers, pet beds, table runners, small floor mats.

Large loom - ideal for floor mats and rugs with a 100cm baseboard and 90cm peg/warp span.

Custom sizes made on request.

Photo shows 1x Custom 1.2m, 0.6m and 0.35m

Peg Looms

PriceFrom $35.00
  • Looms have a story to tell, their baseboards have had other lives, and they may have dents, deep scratches, screw holes, nail holes and stains.  The current stock is Macrocarpa from a kitchen renovation, it is a lovely timber to use. 

    It does not splinter and is medium to hardwood.  The baseboards have been sanded and have had other tree oils mixed with a beeswax base that shows off the grain and a lovely warm honey glow that comes to life when oiled.

    The pegs come directly to you from the pine forests of New Zealand and have been oiled like the baseboard.

    The holes and pegs should be an easy fit, over time, they will plug in, and unplug easily.  

    If for any reason a peg breaks, we do have replacement stock.  A gentle wiggle is better than a twist to extract a sticky peg from the board.

    We hope you enjoy using your loom.

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