If you are not able to find what you want here Andrina can make a persolalised blend of Flower Essence remedies for $30 specify if you would prefer a pre-made or personalised essence for yourself or as a gift. Send an email to request.
Stocked items
Anxi Ease Support© Spray
Aura Clear© Dropper
Birth Support© Dropper
Calm Kids Support© Dropper
Chakra Support© Dropper
Client Focus Support© Dropper
Coping with Change© Spray
Creative Kids Support© Spray
Crisis Support© Drops
Crisis Support© Spray
Confident Kidz Support© Drops
Confident Teens Support© Drops
De-Stress Support© Spray
De-Tox Support© Spray
FLNH Flower Essences A-D from
First Light Natural Health® Made using First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand® 20ml spray or dropper bottles may be supplied.
These essences are prepackaged and may be shipped direct if we do not have stock.