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2025 - We welcome travellers who wish to work their way around New Zealand.  We offer a clean warm dry place to sleep, breakfast and an evening meal plus a separate bathroom with a hot shower in exchange for 4 hours of physical work per day.  Up to two weeks at a time is good for us.  


Once you have read all of this and you are keen to come, tell us if you have a birthday while you are with us, tell us if you need any help with food allergies or anything you may feel will help us to understand and assist you in our relationship.


We like to be absolutely clear about how things work at ours so there is no confusion or misunderstanding about what is expected.  So here is all of that information.


We strongly advise that you be upfront and clear about what you are comfortable and competent at doing and what your experience is during our initial communications, ie, before you get here. If we see that you are not able to fulfil 4hrs within the scope of help we ask for, (a fair work output), you may be asked to leave.  This has not happened yet :-)


The Campervan- 

Our cozy campervan is ready for you to step into, with sheets, duvet, towels etc all supplied, the van is your home while you stay with us and we would love it if you were able to return it to us having done a deep clean, leaving it lovely for the next visitor.  Take the pillowcases and sheets to our laundry, and blankets and duvets to be folded on the bed. :-)  Remember it is a small space and a healthy small space needs to have sunlight and air flow to keep it healthy, so please OPEN the curtains, the windows and doors :-)

The camper has mains and solar power.


The Bathroom

There is an eco bathroom at the bottom of the garden with a hot shower & homemade soap and a composting toilet (sawdust) with views into the forest, you will need to look after this facility while you stay here, (we do not have cleaners), best to shower in the afternoons and leave the door open so that the room can dry out, wipe down the floor and any wet surfaces.  
We provide baking soda, vinegar and essential oils for cleaning, and we ask that you give the bathroom a good deep clean, of  shower tray, walls, floor, and ceiling before you leave. 



Both of us are very sensitive to chemicals, synthetic fragrances, body sprays & deodorants etc.  We would appreciate it if you could take a break from them while you stay with us.

You are welcome to use our washing machine, we supply laundry powder.  


We like to mix up our meals, sometimes vegan, vegetarian or meats (chicken, fish, beef, lamb, duck).  Let us know if you have any challenges with food.  We also like to have a glass of beer or a glass of wine, or gin with our evening meal, if you like to do this too we would welcome you bringing your own :-)

Mealtimes are a communal time, where we ask that you participate in the prep, setting the table, helping to cook, cook & or clean up.  This time is not considered Wwoof working time, for us, it is a part of living in community respectfully.  So let us know what you are happy to pitch in with.


If you have a 4X4 you are welcome to park next to the campervan.  Otherwise, parking is in the car park halfway along the driveway.  


We do have Wifi, our service is dodgy to put it politely, so streaming is a luxury we only have in the house.  We ask that you respect our broadband and only use what is necessary for your email communications.  Phone reception here is terrible and the best reception is off-site on the main road.


We have other beings who live here as well, Andrina's mum June, you are welcome to visit June and have a chat and a cup of tea.  We also have chickens, dogs, and cats. 


All of our tools are the result of our own hard work and effort so we ask that you respect them, by cleaning and putting them away at the end of each workday.


We make compost have Biodynamic preps happening onsite, worm farm, and have a food forest WIP, we work with what we have, and rarely bring soil or mulches etc from offsite, the exception is when we are propagating and potting.  We grow natives, herbs, vegetables, and fruit (small scale).  We also have classes we run from time to time if you wish to attend any of these let's negotiate.


We are members of WWOOF NZ 


Please read the additional sections as well.


WWOOF - 2025 Accommodation, meals in exchange

  • You can choose to work during the week or weekends, and we even allow you to sleep in if that's your thing, you can compress the hours and work full days as well, as long as you honour your 4-hour daily work agreement for the duration of your stay.  Some weekends we do markets and you are welcome to come and help out with these.  

    Hours are flexible.  

    You can place the order for this option which will trigger your request.  We will get back to you via email. :-)

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